Home » Patient Registration Form
Fill out this form or download and print it to bring on the date of your appointment
Chart ID:
First Name:
Last Name:
Middle Initial:
Patient Is: Policy HolderResponsible Party Preferred Name:
Address 2:
City, State, Zip:
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Birth Date:
Soc Sec:
Drivers Lic:
Responsible Party is also a Policy Holder for PatientPrimary Insurance Policy HolderSecondary Insurance Policy Holder
State, Zip:
Sex: MaleFemale
Marital Status: MarriedSingleDivorcedSeparatedWidowed
I would like to receive correspondences via e-mail.
Section 2
Employment Status: Full TimePart TimeRetired
Student Status: Full TimePart Time
Medicaid ID:
Pref. Dentist:
Employer ID:
Pref. Pharmacy:
Carrier ID:
Pref. Hyg:
Section 3
Referred By:
Previous Dentist:
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact #
Care Credit #
Name of Insured:
Relationship to Insured: SelfSpouseChildOther
Insured Soc. Sec:
Insured Birth Date:
Ins. Company:
Rem. Benefits:
Rem. Deduct:
Patient Name:
Date Created:
Although dental personnel primarily treat the area in and around your mouth, your mouth is a part of your entire body. Health problems that you may have, or medication you may be taking,
Are you under Physician's care now?: YesNo
If Yes, Please provide Name, Phone number:
Have you ever been hospitalised or had a major operation?: YesNo
If Yes:
Have you ever had a serious head or neck injury?: YesNo
Are you taking any medications, pills, or drugs?: YesNo
Do you take, or have you taken Phen-Fen or Redux?: YesNo
Have you ever taken Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, or any other medications containing bisphosphonates?: YesNo
Women: Are you... Pregnant/Trying to get Pregnant?NursingTaking oral contraceptives
Are you allergic to any of the following? AspiringPenicillinCodeineAcrylicMetalLatexSulfa DrugsLocal Anesthetics
Do you use controlled substances?: YesNo
Other?: Yes
AIDS/HIV Positive: YesNo
Alzheimer's Disease: YesNo
Anaphylaxis: YesNo
Anemia: YesNo
Angina: YesNo
Arthritis/Gout: YesNo
Artificial Heart Valve: YesNo
Artifical Joint: YesNo
Asthma: YesNo
Blood Disease: YesNo
Blood Transfusion: YesNo
Breathing Problems: YesNo
Bruise Easily: YesNo
Cancer: YesNo
Chemotherapy: YesNo
Chest Pains: YesNo
Cold Sores/Fever Blisters: YesNo
Congential Heart Disorders: YesNo
Convulsions: YesNo
Yellow Jaundice: YesNo
Cortisone Medicine: YesNo
Diabetes: YesNo
Drug Addiction: YesNo
Easily Winded: YesNo
Emphysema: YesNo
Epilespy or Seizures: YesNo
Excessive Bleeding: YesNo
Excessive Thrust: YesNo
Fainting Spells/Dizziness: YesNo
Frequent Coughs: YesNo
Frequent Diarrhea: YesNo
Frequent Headaches: YesNo
Genital Herpes: YesNo
Gloucoma: YesNo
Hay Fever: YesNo
Heart Attack/Failure: YesNo
Heart Murmur: YesNo
Heart Pacemaker: YesNo
Heart Trouble/Disease: YesNo
Hemophilia: YesNo
Hepatitis A: YesNo
Hepatitis B or C: YesNo
Herpes: YesNo
High Blood Pressure: YesNo
High Cholesterol: YesNo
Hives or Rash: YesNo
Hoipoglycemia: YesNo
Irregular Heart Beat: YesNo
Kidney Problems: YesNo
Leukemia: YesNo
Liver Disease: YesNo
Low Blood Pressure: YesNo
Lung Disease: YesNo
Mitral Valve Prolapse: YesNo
Osteoporosis: YesNo
Pain in Jaw Joint: YesNo
Parathyroid Disease: YesNo
Psychiatric Care: YesNo
Radiation Treatments: YesNo
Recent Weight Loss: YesNo
Renal Dialysis: YesNo
Rheumatic Fever: YesNo
Rheumatism: YesNo
Scarlet Fever: YesNo
Shingles: YesNo
Sickle Cell Disease: YesNo
Sinus Trouble: YesNo
Spina Bifida: YesNo
Stomach/Intestinal Disease: YesNo
Stroke: YesNo
Swelling of Limbs: YesNo
Thyroid Disease: YesNo
Tonsillitis: YesNo
Tuberculosis: YesNo
Tumors or Growths: YesNo
Ulcers: YesNo
Venereal Disease: YesNo
Have you ever had any serious illness not listed above?: YesNo
To best of my knowledge, the questions on this form have been accurately answered. I understand that providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my (or patient's) health. It is my responsibility to inform the dental office of any changes in medical status.